On the weaving place, a guard attempts to escort their particular aside, however, she resists

On the weaving place, a guard attempts to escort their particular aside, however, she resists

Leroy Mason, the big director, orders their own to place along the pencil and paper. In his workplace, Norma remains defiant, and you may Mason requires one to she quickly exit the fresh new factory. One of many din of the computers, Norma produces “UNION” on a bit of cardboard and stands for the a table carrying it a lot more than their own head. Due to the fact pros look up, linked with emotions . turn off its machines through to the facility floors was quiet. Whenever Sheriff Lamar Miller appear, Norma with pride treks from the building with him, but once exterior, she realizes that he’s arresting their unique and never providing their own home. When you are she kicks and shouts, it push their own towards the police vehicle.

In the station, Norma is actually reserved getting crazy make, however, Reuben posts bail afterwards one night. […]